Thanks for stopping to have a look at my website. I hope you like what you see and in the meantime here is a little bit about me….
I grew up in Herefordshire on the border of England and Wales – not far from Offa’s Dyke - surrounded by rolling hills and beautiful rural countryside. Now I live in a lovely village, just outside the beautiful market town of Stamford with my husband and children.
My interest in photography began at a young age, my father was a keen photographer so I used to take a great interest in what he was doing and was eager to learn, my subjects then were our pets and willing family members. When I was 17 my family moved to Cornwall and after spending some time in Australia, I came home with a renewed enthusiasm for photography. I then studied at Plymouth College of Art and Design where I expanded my skills not only in Photography but also in other art forms such as illustration and sculpture.
However, like most youngsters, I was attracted by the bright lights of the big city and moved to London where I started working at a Post Production company. As fun and as glamorous as it was living the ‘London life’, my photography took a back seat which in hindsight was a real shame.
It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I picked up the camera again when I was living in New Zealand. It would have been rude not to have really with all those fantastic vistas! Since then, slowly but surely I’ve honed my skills and now I have an opportunity to do something I love and to share it with others.
I’ve been lucky enough to travel to places like New Zealand, Australia, China, New York, Budapest, Prague, Iceland to name a few, though travel is now more of a luxury as I have a young family to tend to. Nowadays my travel photography tends to be more UK based with a little bit of Europe sprinkled in for good measure. There is so much beauty and culture on our doorstep waiting to be captured.
My main focus now is my business and photographing weddings, families and commercial. On a personal level I also love capturing other subjects be it travel, landscapes, architecture or interiors. For me, it’s about recording all the things that I see and the moments that happen in my life, a visual journal if you like. Something I can look back on later in life.
If you’d be interested in speaking to me about a collaboration or a photography session or buying a print, then please get in touch.